Talented and Gifted Program
The Talented and Gifted Education program is responsible for overseeing, supporting, and monitoring the programming for Talented and Gifted students district-wide, in collaboration with school-based staff, district leadership, and other departments.
Vision Statement
Encouraged by the ½ûÂþÌìÌà equity policy and community input, we are investing in improvements like never before in our effort to create a program to meet the unique and diverse needs of all students. We will collaborate with all neighborhood schools to support programs where we can better address all TAG students’ needs, develop and nurture students who show potential for demonstrating high levels of critical thinking and establish a pathway to positive partnerships with families. TAG students will form a community of collaborative learners who have the skills necessary to positively impact the world around them.
District TAG Plan
Oregon Department of Education Final Order for Case #2019-MM-10
TAG Evaluation & Identification Process
Evaluation & Identification Process
TAG Identification Appeals
TAG Services
Classroom Services
What are TAG Services? In ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ, classroom teachers provide TAG services through instructional practices that meet the rate and level of student learning needs. The ½ûÂþÌìÌà Instructional Framework identifies the components and indicators that every ½ûÂþÌìÌà student should experience
Personalized Education Plan (PEP)
Parents can request that a is created that articulates the ways in which the classroom teacher is meeting students' needs in their identified area of giftedness.
TAG Facilitators by School
Facilitator Contact List
Important Dates 2024-25
District Assessment Driven Evaluation & Identification Cycle
Sept 30 - Jan 16 | Evaluation Process
Jan 17 | Family NotificationStudent, Family & Teacher Evaluation & Identification Cycle
Dec 1 - Dec 20 | Referral Window
Feb 3 - April 24 | Evaluation Process
April 25 | Student & Family Notification
Feb 15 - March 15 | ACCESS Lottery WindowSingle Subject Acceleration - Math (SSA-M)
Mar 1 - Mar 31 | Application Window for Families
April 1 - May 29 | Evaluation Process
May 30 | Family Notification